Don Aldo Rossi Parochial Museum

Inaugurated in December 2010, the Don Aldo Rossi Parochial Museum was created with the collaboration of the Umbrian Superintendence of Historical and Artistic Heritage and is a section of the “Diffused Dioceses Museum Project of Perugia-Città della Pieve.”.
It was born from the wish to continue the preservation and enhancement work of the "fragments" and "memories" of the past of the community already begun by Don Aldo Rossi in 1994. The collection was put in the same places, namely in the hall of the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament where Francesco da Castel della Pieve frescoed a grandiose Crucifixion in 1452 commissioned by the prior Andrea di Giovanni.
A little later, on a side wall, a local painter frescoed an Annunciation, still visible even though it is ruined. In the large confraternal hall which houses the first section of the museum, some of the most important paintings that Paciano still preserves have been placed: the ‘Madonna del davanzale’ assigned to Bernardino di Mariotto (late 15th century), an oil on canvas with the Annunciation from the first half of the 17th century, two noteworthy canvasses from the 17th century from the Convent of the Order of the Servants of Maria (Our Lady of Sorrows and Madonna with Baby Jesus and Saints); a third, also from the 17th century, Dominican Saints (17th century), from the Convent of St. Anthony of Padua in Pacciano Vecchio, and two paintings depicting Saint Lucia.