Torre dell'Orologio (Clock Tower)

The Torre dell'orologio - clock tower - was built in the 13th century as part of enlargement work on the original 9th century nucleus of Passignano's castle. In all likelihood this new tower acted as keep, i.e. as last line of defence in the event of attack.
As compared to other buildings keep towers were generally taller and could not be accessed directly. To get to it, in fact, required crossing several parts of the building which were exposed to fire from the crossbow loops in the keep itself. Whilst it was not designed as a stable residence it could be lived in if needed.
In Passignano's case the importance of the tower's higher relative elevation was to some extent lessened by the fact that it was built o a lower level than the castle. Its modern appearance is the result of later work of which the most important involved positioning a great clock on it showing the day of the week and marking out the hours with its hand.