Church of St. Augustine

The church can be found in front of Porta Fiorentina – Florentine Gate. The cadastral declaration presented in 1489 of a «Fraternitas Sancti Augustini sive Sanctae Marie», may have been connected to the building of the church.
It is a very simple gabled building in sandstone and the facade faces west. On the portal architrave the date of February 1502 is visible, deadline for the completion of works. The interior is a large undecorated room with an exposed wooden truss ceiling.
It has a single sandstone altar dedicated to the Crucifixion that belonged to a fraternity of disciples, as written on the archivolt and as can be seen from the figures of the penitents with the discipline depicted on the external pillars. The altar was completed on 18 March 1539, the date reported on the central plinths.
From ancient descriptions it appears that the altar was decorated with a frescoed Crucifixion; more recently a 16th century Crucifixion was placed. Coeval to the altar are the frescoes on the walls that depict episodes from the Flagellation of Christ. In fact, all the walls of the Church were covered in murals. The frescoes on the façade above the portal are preserved, which depict an enthroned Madonna with Child by Angelo di Lorentino from Arezzo, and the Saints Lucia and Caterina d’Alessandria (1506). There was once an altar on the same wall dedicated to Our Lady of Perpetual Help, from which a Madonna with Child and Musical Angels derived, preserved in the St. Sebastian church and attributed to Raphael.