TrasiMemo – Trasimeno Memory Bank

TrasiMemo – Trasimeno Memory Bank is a project addressed at the “activation” of memories, for the recognition and protection of community cultural heritage, enhanced by the participatory construction of a virtual archive and through some museum installations. The project contributes in restoring “resonance” and “visibility” to artisan knowledge in the area of Lake Trasimeno; it documents the practices, cultural processes and social contexts linked to their collective use, in order to recognise a public social function. It is designed to highlight artisan knowledge through the use of exhibition forms that characterize contemporary ethnographic museography: to speak about the people, their stories and worlds, leaving the role of symbolic intermediary to the materiality of the objects.
Thus the people who have worked and currently work in this territory find a space where they can discuss their lives as artisans, bricoleurs, hobbyists, passionate collectors, restorers, artists and inventors and where they can plan their future professional prospective. TrasiMemo does not want to be a repository of memories, but a public space involving education, entertainment and debate, where residents and visitors alike can meet and speak together. A privileged observatory for the apprenticeship of competent onlookers regarding Trasimeno’s artisan knowledge and construction processes of traditions connected to them.