Church of St. Salvatore in Ceraseto

It is one of the oldest churches in Paciano, probably built on the remains of a pagan temple near the centre of ancient Paciano. Located a few hundred meters on the northern flank of Mount Petrarvella, the ancient parish church had to tender to the spiritual need of the people who orbited around the castrensian structure and in the court of Paciano Vecchio. The documentation, preserved in the civil status of the Municipality of Paciano, certifies its activity from 1788 to 1860. On the external walls an ancient rectangular stone is visible representing the god Janus (it could be a special object), a threshold deity dear to the ancient Romans, whose cult was still present in the Christian era. Here we can see the ancient features of the god whose name, according to local customs, gave rise to the toponym of the town of Paciano. Inside, the altar is decorated with a fresco depicting Christ Enthroned between St. John the Baptist and St. Peter by Giovan Battista Caporali between 1508 and 1510. In these same years the wall that separates the presbytery from the sacristy was built. The stuccoes around the Caporali fresco and the side altars date back to the 18th century.