The Boat of Lake Trasimeno
Lake Trasimeno Fishing Museum

Widespread in every coastal locality, it is used by all social categories of fishermen. Of all types of boats used in the past on Lake Trasimeno, tradition has perhaps preserved the most archaic: the current boat is built around a raft, to which the sides are subsequently applied; the other transversal elements of the bottom of the boat, and finally the peducci. The pointed prow, called beak, and the flat bottom allows it to be used in thick reeds and shallow water. The stern is cut off and there was once a plank of wood that was used as a bench; it does not exist today or it has been shaped differently to house an engine. The position of the kavijone rowlock in the centre of the boat identifies the origin of the boat itself: if it was on the right it came from Maggiore Island or Passignano, while the rest of the lake placed it on the left.